The Royal Geographical Society

I am standing for election to the Council of The Royal Geographical Society as the Honorary Secretary of the Expeditions and Fieldwork Committee at the AGM on 1st June.

The RGS has played an important part in my life for more than thirty years since I first attended the Explore expedition planning weekend before my first expedition to the Karakoram in 1988.

The RGS elections paperwork says there are two skills and expertise gaps most helpful to fill.

“Academic field research expertise in human geography or environmental science; and expertise in field teaching / techniques at university level (Councillor).” This is not me.

“Senior field researcher or practitioner of international standing, or extensive experience of senior leadership roles in the provision of fieldwork and expeditions with a specific focus on geographical research (Honorary Secretary).” This is me.

The Society says the required skills are

Demonstrate a good working knowledge of the Society.

An understanding and support for its breadth of activities and audiences.

Experience and seniority relevant to the position you are standing for.

I am asked to provide a maximum 150-word summary note that will accompany the ballot papers: 75 words to be given over to biographical details, and up to a further 75 words can be used to demonstrate how you meet the skills and expertise the Council feels would be most helpful for that position. If the word length exceeds this, only the first 150 words will be included. One link to a website may be added if desired

These are my 75 words bio then 75 words on skills and aptitude

Steve is the Expeditions Manager for Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions LLC, and an Honorary Fellow in Extreme and Wilderness Medicine. He was a country director for Raleigh International, with early career experience in finance. After 40 expeditions he has significant experience as a leader, polar guide, mountaineer, planner, operations manager, and safety consultant. A regular panellist at the Society’s annual ‘Explore’ event, Steve is a contributor to the Oxford Handbook of Expedition and Wilderness Medicine.

Skills and Aptitude

My first ‘Explore’ in 1987 ignited my passion for fieldwork and expeditions. After a stint in finance (a useful primer for management), I’ve devoted the past 25 years to full-time expeditionary roles. Personal highlights include managing multi-disciplinary projects in Africa and South America with Raleigh International, and 11 Antarctic field seasons supporting private and governmental projects. I live in Oxfordshire and relish the opportunity to serve the Society with my knowledge and enthusiasm.

I hope to use my knowledge and enthusiasm of expeditions, field work, safety management, and operations management to contribute to the Council of the RGS.


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