Planning your expedition


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Pre-expedition Expedition Planning

I can assist with all aspects of expedition planning.
It usually works best to have some defined tasks.


Setting up to assist during the expedition

  • Advise on communications equipment planning.

  • Be registered as the emergency contact on expedition’s communications devices.

  • Contribute to, or as a minimum have an early copy of the communications plan, emergency procedures / incident response plan that I can comment on.  I am happy to help research, write and produce these. This will include a contact list of expedition contacts.

  • Be provided with a set of route plans, maps or digital mapping of the expedition area, and usually set up an online beacon tracking map using zerosixzero or similar provider.

  • Have a complete set of log-ins and passwords for expedition’s communications devices, e.g. logins to beacon websites.

  • Have a method of spending money on expedition’s behalf when authorised by the expedition to do so. This can as simple as having a note of credit card details.

  • Check expedition has sources of weather forecasting information and to help set these up if needed.

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Expedition Home Base

This is a summary of what I offer as a home base contact & safety cover coordinator for your expedition.

Have lead responsibility as expedition’s point of contact for safety cover,
incident and emergency response.


Whilst expedition is in the field

  • Liaise with expedition team’s family and friends as needed.

  • Monitor expedition’s satellite tracking beacons (such as Garmin inReach). Reply to messages to expedition’s beacons. I have my own Garmin inReach Mini.

  • Receive a daily check-in satellite phone call from expedition at pre-agreed time to confirm status & report progress.

  • Monitor Expedition’s social media postings and responses – commenting or advising as necessary; & reporting back to expedition.

  • Posting expedition updates to social media if it is easier for me to do this than the expedition.

  • Monitor media and news reporting of the expedition, monitor events in the expedition’s operating area, and monitor other expeditions undertaking similar challenges or projects. Be authorised by the expedition to respond, comment or handle media enquiries; and report back to the expedition. Note, in a major incident my priority is assisting the expedition with the response and media support is secondary, or would be delegated to another person. If the expedition has its own PR / media person I would liaise with them rather than doing the media postings and responses.

  • Be available to the expedition to do more work in response to problems, such as researching alternative options or aircraft charters, etc.

  • To carry expedition emergency procedures and key information 24/7 and to have a mobile phone on 24/7 whilst expedition is in the field. A dedicated SIM for the expedition can be useful.

  • I am very open to doing more by arrangement, this is just an outline list to start with.

  • It is not normally part of my role to book and change scheduled flights and travel. I would rather a travel agent did this on behalf of the expedition.